Whistle Worthy Wednesday!


Hello everyone! I missed Whistle Worthy Wednesday last week. For that, I apologize. To make up for it, I have an extraordinary band to share with you all this week.  Many of you probably already have listened to them before, as they have been gaining popularity in the last year: Walk the Moon.

I was first introduced to Walk the Moon by a friend about a year ago with the song Anna Sun.  The song was not very popular at the time but I downloaded it and was pleasantly surprised to hear them on the radio and on MTV in more recent months.


The group is really fun and young. They, along with their fans, bring a really great energy (including colorful war paint and lights) to all of their performances and videos that I’ve seen on YouTube and other sites.



This is the kind of music that would be perfect to listen to with all of your ridiculously attractive friends while enjoying a bonfire in the summer. The band’s sound is really light and floaty. Some of their songs are almost eerie with a mix of 80’s pop and futuristic sounding musical breaks.

My favorite songs are of course Anna Sun, I Can Lift a Car, and Lisa Baby.

Also, check this video out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDVW81bXo0s

Happy Whistling!

Olivia Lea.

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